I am very happy to see how much recognition and progress the Foundation is getting. Two years ago, I met a lady that works at INL at the What Today’s Women Want event at the Shilo. She wanted to know more about the Foundation and where the funds go. I am always happy to talk about the reason the Foundation was started and to let everyone know 100% of the funds go directly to local cancer patients. She told me a group of women she works with always do a fundraiser in October for breast cancer and wanted to donate the money where it would do the most good. “In the past, we have donated to The American Cancer Society but found out none of our money stays locally and no one could tell us exactly what it was used for,” she said. So, for the last two years, every October I receive a check in the mail from them. This year, I received a check for $500.
This week’s story is about a business called Sometimes I Sew, and the amazing connection we made together. They hand make several different items and sell them online. A lady named Kristen called me and said, “We heard about your Foundation from Teton Cancer Institute and wanted to talk to you about making a donation.” I told her I would love to talk to them and agreed to come to their shop. We set up a time for the next day.
When I arrived at their shop, Kristen came up and greeted me. She introduced the rest of the ladies and everyone was so nice and friendly. “We heard about your Foundation and all the good work you are doing. We just finished with a charity auction, and wanted to donate the proceeds to your cause,” she said. They told me they had to finalize a few things first and they would get in touch with me. I left their shop filled with happiness and joy.
About a week later Kristen sent me a text telling me they had a check ready for me. I made arrangements to come over and pick it up the next day after I was through volunteering at the hospital. On my way to their shop, I was thinking about the $500 donation I received and thought “Wouldn’t it be great if it was another donation around $500?” When I arrived at the shop, they handed me a check for $3177. I was overwhelmed to say the least. “Oh my gosh, this is unbelievable! You guys are the best!” I exclaimed. They told me they were glad to help, and plan on doing this every year. “This is so thoughtful and generous of you. I plan to use these funds to help provide cancer patients and their families with Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners,” I told them.
I can’t adequately put into words how overwhelming and rewarding the feeling times like this bring to me. It is something money could never buy. It is important to acknowledge 100% of the credit goes to all the selfless and generous people like the ladies at Sometimes I sew. Their charity and compassion is an inspiration to me.
As I left their shop, I could feel the warmth and love of my Angel Shannon. I could feel the pride in her heart and the smile on her face. I will always LOVE AND MISS YOU sweetheart.
Next week: Indian Motorcycle Fundraiser
P.S. I invite you to check out their website www.sometimesisew.com There are some great blankets that would make a terrific Christmas gift. (hint, hint)