About Shannon Wilker
This foundation was created to honor Shannon Wilker. She passed away from breast cancer July 20, 2011. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and friend to all that knew her. Her strength and compassion for others guides us every day.

How Can We Help
We help provide assistance with
- Medical expenses
- Gas cards
- Lodging
- Day care
- Travel expenses
- Counseling
- Support groups

Coming Soon
We are also going to establish a program to provide a vacation or anything else the patient would want to do, but wouldn’t want to spend their money on. We want to help fulfill a dream and create a great memory for them.
This young boy’s name is Weston Robertson and he is fighting a brave battle with cancer. With the amazing generosity of C&B Operations John Deere in Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, and Rexburg we were able to get him some great presents to play with . His parents Todd & Ericka are the absolute best and it a blessing and honor to know this terrific family. Keeping them in our thoughts and prayers always!
To provide immediate
assistance to breast cancer
patients and their families.
Please make your donation via PayPal by clicking the button below. We accept donations of any amount.
Donate $5
Donate $10
Donate $20
Donate $50
Other Amount

By Janie Smith
I will always remember Shannon for her kindness and her beautiful smile. Even though I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with her, whenever we would have a chance to visit at Grandma Maxines house she would always ask me questions about my life. She seemed to be truly interested in how I was doing and what was going on with me. I hope to follow that example in making others feel loved and important.
As I read through Shanes story I loved where he said, “this website is called mending fences to encourage you to let others know how much they mean to you and to enjoy them while they are here.” The part about letting others know how much they mean to you really jumped out at me. I feel like I sometimes take those people for granted who mean the most to me. The day I read this I decided I would go out of my way to really let my family know how much I love them. I went through the day with a different perspective, thinking about how much they mean to me and how grateful I am to have them in my life. I hugged each one of them extra tight and I took time to look each person in the eyes and tell them that I love them. That may seem like a small thing, but my heart felt so full. Thank you so much Shane for having the courage to share Shannons story and your own. It really inspired me to think deeply and to treasure the special relationships in my life.