Black Friday 2020
Every year, Black Friday was a big day for in-store shopping and profits for retail stores. Until this year, it was the day large crowds of people would line up for hours for stores to open so they could take advantage of great sale prices. But this is 2020, so I was expecting it to be very different. I was pleasantly surprised to see the mall parking lot full of cars. There were several other stores with full parking lots as well. After hearing endless stories over the summer of large cases of Covid occurring after smaller gatherings than this, logic would tell us there should be many more cases now, especially since the flu season started on November first. Let me just say that if there aren’t as many cases reported from Black Friday shopping, then the crisis must be over, and we can open the country back up. Please understand I want everyone to be cautious, safe, and healthy. I just think we can start getting things back to normal while we are doing it.
Okay, enough about Black Friday and the Covid Apocalypse. I would like to talk about one of the greatest ideas I have heard in quite a while. Russel M. Nelson who is the President of the LDS church encouraged people to start posting things on social media they are thankful for and use #givethanks. I have seen so many heartwarming and inspiring posts from a lot of my friends. After reading for several months the negative posts from people about the Presidential Election, it was encouraging to read so many positive stories and see so many wonderful pictures. It is very reassuring to me to witness the power love, faith, family, and friends can have on our community and our country. I would also point out you don’t have to be a member of the LDS church to post things you are proud of and use #givethanks. Let’s keep this positive attitude going.
I have posted many times how grateful I am for my family and the love and support they give me. Today, this is the gratitude post I want to share. “I am very grateful to everyone who is reading this story right now. I have been posting these weekly stories since January 2012. I know there are several of you that have been reading them from the start. It doesn’t matter if you have been reading them that long, or if this is your first one. I am truly grateful that you take the time from everything you have going on to read these stories. It helps me focus on the positive things in my life and allows me to share the amazing support people have given me and the Foundation. I want to give you all the biggest and most sincere thank you that I can. Thanks for reading.” #givethanks