Happy Birthday Cassidy

Happy Birthday Cassidy

I can hardly believe that Cassidy turned twenty years old on Monday. Where did the time go? It didn’t seem that long ago she was riding in her car seat in the back of our SUV. There are so many fond memories, but for this week’s story I want to share one of my favorites. This is the first story I posted that started this whole thing off. I hope you enjoy reading it for the first time, or again if you’ve already read this story.

My first story needs be, (The Hide and Seek Story.) When I would come home from work, Cassidy and Shannon would always play hide and seek from me. It was a ritual they loved. It was always a challenge to decide where to start looking first. Many times, I would walk right past where they were. I think the most common expression they used was “Papa is oblivious!” I should also point out I would get in trouble if I found them too soon.

On this particular day, Cassidy decided they would hide out in front of the house. Shannon was standing behind a tree and Cassidy had ducked down behind the bush next to it. Now I have to tell you that Shannon was visible to the driveway of the house next to ours, but Cassidy wasn’t. As soon as I got home I noticed Shannon hiding behind the tree. To make sure I didn’t get in trouble, I started my initial search by shouting “Ready or not, here I come,” and headed to the back yard. Meanwhile, a car had pulled into the driveway of the house next door. Shannon noticed that the driver of the car had seen her, but not Cassidy. Shannon said that the look on the drivers face was complete confusion and bewilderment. Shannon was positive they were asking themselves, “Why is this woman hiding behind that tree?”  She said she knew I would soon come around and find her and Cassidy, and then it would become clear to the driver it was a friendly game of hide and seek. She was sure the driver would understand there was a good explanation for her behavior. In the meantime, the driver had gone to the door of the house, only to find no one home. All the while, glancing back at Shannon trying to understand what she was hiding from.

About the time, they got in their car to leave, I came around to the front of the house. I had done a complete perimeter search of the back yard and must have had a much “focused” look on my face, because when I saw the driver, they gave me a look of total disdain. I could not understand the reason for this. Haven’t you seen anyone play Hide and Seek before I thought? As the car pulled away, I decided it was time to find Shannon and Cassidy. “I found you,” I shouted. “I guess Papa wasn’t too oblivious this time,” I said. Wrong again as I was soon to find out. Shannon explained the driver could see her, but not Cassidy hiding behind the bush. We all had a good laugh, but I spent most of that night waiting for the call from protective services. So always keep in mind, don’t jump to an immediate conclusion. There is a good chance there is a logical explanation!

That was the very first published story on my website and social media. It’s fun for me to look back at all the great adventures we had together. I am so proud of the amazing young ladies both of my granddaughters have become. Although they are growing up way too fast. Thanks for reading.

Next week: High School Helpers

P.S. The answer is yes, Papa is still oblivious.